Welcome to WiSe
The UK's national training scheme for best practice around marine and coastal wildlife
to minimise disturbance

Explore our expert-led certified course tailored for individuals, businesses, and organisations, to gain the knowledge and skills needed to act responsibly around marine and coastal wildlife.
Learn and Protect
The waters around the UK are home to a fantastic variety of marine wildlife, whether visible from the shore or from water craft. However, wild animals and their environment are vulnerable to disturbance if not encountered in a manner that respects their wild nature. Disturbance can negatively impact survival rates of species by increasing the risk of displacement, ability to rest, feed or mate and potentially cause life threatening injuries.
Thousands of operators and marine professionals have now attended one or more of our WiSe courses, designed to ensure a solid understanding of marine wildlife species. We focus on ways we can all help to minimise any unintentional disturbance from land, sea and air.

WiSe has developed Codes of Conduct in line with governments' Marine Wildlife Codes to promote safe and sustainable activity. All WiSe trained individuals have agreed to abide by our WiSe best practice codes for the wildlife and environments they encounter.


The WiSe Scheme is about watching marine wildlife the wildlife-safe way.
Get certified!
Our next Operator & Adventure course is 24/25th March 2025 online over 2 nights 1900-2130
Please watch this space for details when further dates will be announced, or get in touch to register interest via the form below.
Note: 2025 courses cost £120 per person. WiSe offers 20% discount for all companies sending 3 or more individuals on a course.